Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests Celebrate Ordination of 3 new bishops in Pendle Hill, in Philadelphia are on Sept. 24, 2015
The Spirit continues to speak to the people of God in all who work for justice and equality in our world and in all who have dedicated their lives to making the church a more equal and welcoming community where everybody is loved and everybody is welcome.
We believe this is what Jesus did in the Gospels and what the Risen Christ calls us to do today.
I pray that in this year of mercy, Pope Francis will take a major step to healing the wound of sexism in the church by dropping all excommunications against women priests, our supporters and all who follow their consciences in living our faith.
Today, women priests are the modern day lepers whom the hierarchy have rejected over and over again and whom Pope Francis could embrace! We ask the Bishop of Rome, "what about you? Will you embrace us ? May it be so.
As you leave the United States, our prayers go with you. Vaya con Dios!
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,
Pope Francis: Homily in Philadelphia on Sept. 27, 2015
"The disciples, for their part, acted in good faith," he said. "But the temptation to be scandalized by the freedom of God, who sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike, bypassing bureaucracy, officialdom and inner circles, threatens the authenticity of faith. Hence it must be vigorously rejected."
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"For Jesus, the truly 'intolerable' scandal consists in everything that breaks down and destroys our trust in the working of the Spirit!" said Francis.
God, the pope said, "will not be outdone in generosity and he continues to scatter seeds."
"He scatters the seeds of his presence in our world, for 'love consists in this, not that we have loved God but that he loved us' first," said the pontiff. "That love gives us a profound certainty: We are sought by God; he waits for us."
"It is this confidence that makes disciples encourage, support and nurture the good things happening all around them," said Francis. "To raise doubts about the working of the Spirit, to give the impression that it cannot take place in those who are not 'part of our group,' who are not 'like us,' is a dangerous temptation."
"Not only does it block conversion to the faith; it is a perversion of faith!" he said.
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