
Friday, May 5, 2017

"When Mary becomes Cosmic" (David Richo 2016) Katy Zatsick ARCWP/Liturgy Reflection

Cardinal Walter Kasper at the Mary and Unity of the Church Ecumenical
Conference in 2008 wrote, "Mary does not stand for the mighty, the haughty and the rich; she stands for the little ones, the powerless, the poor, the meek and humble. She is tender with the sick and disabled, tender also with the sinners." (p4) 

An archetype is a motif, a familiar theme in stories and dreams.  It is also
an instinctive psychic energy without our own spiritual and bodily
consciousness. Archetypes appear in persons, dream figures, story
characters, and numinous events.  (p 10) 

According to Jungian psychology, there is both a masculine and a feminine energy in the psyche of all humans and in all of nature.  Masculine and feminine in this context are not equated with male or female nor are they omitted to males or females. They are psyche-energies, qualities in all of us inherited from our human ancestry.  The term divine feminine in this writing is not reserved to females.  It is a quality of all beings and of God in whose image they are made.  

The archetypes are personified as characters in stories the world over.
Actually, archetypes articulate the full tapestry of energies in our own
life experience and choices: the energy to live through pain as a hero, to
find wisdom like a guide, to pursue a dark purpose as shadow, to protect in a motherly or fatherly way, to act as the trickster who 

trips up the arrogant ego and gives it its comeuppance.   It is the nature of the archetypes that every archetypal character-every archetypal energy -is in us. 

For Jung the Self is the central archetype, God's divine life in us and in
nature. This is the divine life within us, the life of grace that animates
us to live as Christ in the world.   Thus the Self refers also to our inner
wholeness, both a reality about us and the call to us to incarnate the
divine life in here-and-how reality.  (p14)

Mary is the archetype of help before, during and after injustices.  Our
challenge is to ask for more and more from Mary, Protectress of the
Helpless.  This allows the archetype of divine feminine to evolve more fully in our consciousness.  She was always complete but each century reveals more of who she is and can be for us. 

Thus, Mary is the champion, the fierce tigress for justice. ...This Mary
does not support a privileged white ego.  She is best pictured the Black
Madonna, the creatively erotic earth mother who keeps her promise to guide."
and protect our planet. (p4)

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